Kaos Ball: Paragons Expansion Team (5373636083874)

Kaos Ball: Paragons Expansion Team

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"The game may have changed, but our principles have not." - Coach Dru. The Paragons are a beacon of truth and righteousness in the bloody sport of Kaosball. By focusing their team's collective soul, they can temporarily sacrifice themselves to boost their teammates to superhuman feat and score like you wouldn't believe! From the bone crunching tackles, head smashing blocks, and outright murder of the other team to the fast paced passing and high scoring strategies, Kaosball is the ultimate sports fantasy game, fast paced and of total domination! Play as one of the great pop culture and fantasy themed teams in this crazy mix of football, rugby-style passing finesse, magic, bone crunching action and deadly area control scoring! Based on a mix of Action Cards, tactical positioning and the judicious use of fouls!