Enhance the look of yourÃÂ¥ÃÂStar Warsâ°ãâ: Legion soldiers by placing them on premium plastic bases! TheÃÂ¥ÃÂPremium Trooper BasesÃÂ¥ÃÂpack contains 32 premium 27-mm round bases that can be used to upgrade trooper units such as Stormtroopers or Rebel Troopers.ÃÂ¥ÃÂThe bases contained in the pack include four copies of eight unique sculpts, carefully designed to look like environments at home in theÃÂ¥ÃÂStar WarsÃÂ¥ÃÂgalaxy, while their neutral gray tone of plastic gives you the opportunity to paint and customize your bases to fit your army's style.ÃÂ¥ÃÂ